The Russian Civil War was not just Reds vs Whites but a series of conflicts incl: Bolsheviks vs political opponents; nationalist separatist movements; peasant revolts vs Prodrazverstka; foreign invasions; war w. Japan; Czech POW revolt.
Causes of the Civil War
1. Opponents of the Bolsheviks
Bolsheviks seized power by coup (1917). Opponents united:
Tsarists (restore monarchy),
ex-army officers (angry re Treaty of Brest-Litovsk),
landlords (lost land),
Social Revolutionaries (ejected from Assembly),
peasants (rebelling against the Prodrazverstka).
2. Nationalist rebellions
Finland (Dec 1917) nationalist govt declared independence under Pehr . Finnish communists rebelled (Jan 1918) but were defeated (May 1918) w. German help.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia sought independence (1920), defeated by 1921.
Ukraine anarchists (Nestor ) initially allied w. Bolsheviks, but war 1920-21 after Whites defeated, terrorist attacks until 1924.
3. Entente
Russias Entente allies (Britain, France, USA) joined war they feared 'world revolution' & the Bolsheviks had seizing assets lent to the Tsar.
British (60k troops) fought in Archangel/Siberia/Caucasus, armed Denikin, but Whites mutinied/deserted.
USA sent 11k troops ( Expedition) to North Russia & Vladivostok.
Other foreign forces sent small numbers: French (South Russia), Romanians (Bessarabia), Greeks (Crimea), Italians (Archangel), Canadians (5k, Siberia).
By 1919, all had withdrawn.
4. Japanese invasion
Japan sent 70k troops (1918), occupied Pacific ports, advanced to Lake Baikal.
Stayed after Allies left (1920), suspected of annexation plans 50k Japanese settlers arrived (companies such as set up offices there).
US diplomatic pressure → Japan withdrew (1922), made peace (1925).
◦ (1918) took Caucasus, attacked Moscow (1919), stopped by Bolshevik-Makhno alliance, resigned (1920).
◦ (Siberia) declared 'Supreme Leader', advanced (1919) but halted at Urals, executed (1920).
◦ (Oct 1919) attacked Petrograd, failed to take railway → Bolsheviks reinforced, saved city.
◦ (Crimea) defeated (1920), fled to Serbia, set up White govt-in-exile.
Tsar & family executed (July 1918).
British, US, French left (1919), Japanese (1922).
Civil War → famine, disease, millions died, atrocities.
Bolsheviks invaded Poland (1921), defeated.
USSR declared (1922).
Why The Bolsheviks Won The War
1. Whites' Disunity
Whites were divided, geographically spread out, lacked coordination → Trotsky defeated them one by one.
2. Trotsky
Brilliant strategist, ensured Red Army had effective tactics.
3. Belief
Reds = and enthusiastic Communists fighting for a 'better world'.
Anti-foreign intervention feeling → support for Bolsheviks.
4. War Communism
War Communism = nationalised factories, military discipline, banned strikes, rationed food, forced peasant grain requisition → supplied Red Army.
5. Terror
Cheka executed 7k+ Whites.
Red Army generals' families taken hostage → loyalty ensured.
6. Wherewithal
Bolsheviks controlled Moscow/Petrograd (factories), railways (vital), had 300k troops, strict discipline, of communication → strategic advantage.
The Russian Civil War was not just Reds vs Whites but a series of conflicts incl: Bolsheviks vs political opponents; nationalist separatist movements; peasant revolts vs Prodrazverstka; foreign invasions; war w. Japan; Czech POW revolt.
Causes of the Civil War
1. Opponents of the Bolsheviks
Bolsheviks seized power by coup (1917). Opponents united:
Tsarists (restore monarchy),
ex-army officers (angry re Treaty of Brest-Litovsk),
landlords (lost land),
Social Revolutionaries (ejected from Assembly),
peasants (rebelling against the Prodrazverstka).
2. Nationalist rebellions
Finland (Dec 1917) nationalist govt declared independence under Pehr SVINHUFVUD. Finnish communists rebelled (Jan 1918) but were defeated (May 1918) w. German help.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia sought independence (1920), defeated by 1921.
Ukraine anarchists (Nestor MAKHNO) initially allied w. Bolsheviks, but war 1920-21 after Whites defeated, terrorist attacks until 1924.
3. Entente
Russias Entente allies (Britain, France, USA) joined war they feared 'world revolution' & the Bolsheviks had seizing assets lent to the Tsar.
British (60k troops) fought in Archangel/Siberia/Caucasus, armed Denikin, but Whites mutinied/deserted.
USA sent 11k troops (POLAR BEAR Expedition) to North Russia & Vladivostok.
Other foreign forces sent small numbers: French (South Russia), Romanians (Bessarabia), Greeks (Crimea), Italians (Archangel), Canadians (5k, Siberia).
By 1919, all had withdrawn.
4. Japanese invasion
Japan sent 70k troops (1918), occupied Pacific ports, advanced to Lake Baikal.
Stayed after Allies left (1920), suspected of annexation plans 50k Japanese settlers arrived (companies such as MITSUBISHI set up offices there).
US diplomatic pressure → Japan withdrew (1922), made peace (1925).