
The Civil War


The Russian Civil War was not just Reds vs Whites but a series of conflicts incl: Bolsheviks vs political opponents; nationalist separatist movements; peasant revolts vs Prodrazverstka; foreign invasions; war w. Japan; Czech POW revolt.


Causes of the Civil War

1. Opponents of the Bolsheviks

Bolsheviks seized power by coup (1917). Opponents united:

    •  Tsarists (restore monarchy),

    •  ex-army officers (angry re Treaty of Brest-Litovsk),

    •  landlords (lost land),

    •  Social Revolutionaries (ejected from Assembly),

    •  Mensheviks,

    •  peasants (rebelling against the Prodrazverstka).

2. Nationalist rebellions

    •  Finland (Dec 1917) – nationalist govt declared independence under Pehr . Finnish communists rebelled (Jan 1918) but were defeated (May 1918) w. German help.

    •   republic (Caucasus) declared independence (May 1918), occupied by Bolsheviks (1921).

    •  Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland → supported Whites, gained independence (Versailles 1919), defeated Bolsheviks.

    •  Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia sought independence (1920), defeated by 1921.

    •  Ukraine – anarchists (Nestor ) initially allied w. Bolsheviks, but war 1920-21 after Whites defeated, terrorist attacks until 1924.

3. Entente

Russia’s Entente allies (Britain, France, USA) joined war – they feared 'world revolution' & the Bolsheviks had seizing assets lent to the Tsar.

    •  British (60k troops) fought in Archangel/Siberia/Caucasus, armed Denikin, but Whites mutinied/deserted.

    •  USA sent 11k troops ( Expedition) to North Russia & Vladivostok.

    •  Other foreign forces sent small numbers: French (South Russia), Romanians (Bessarabia), Greeks (Crimea), Italians (Archangel), Canadians (5k, Siberia).

    •  By 1919, all had withdrawn.

4. Japanese invasion

Japan sent 70k troops (1918), occupied Pacific ports, advanced to Lake Baikal.

    •  Stayed after Allies left (1920), suspected of annexation plans – 50k Japanese settlers arrived (companies such as set up offices there).

    •  US diplomatic pressure → Japan withdrew (1922), made peace (1925).

5. Czech Legion

    •  50k Czech POWs mutinied (1918), formed , seized Trans-Siberian Railway, attacked Moscow.


Events of the Civil War, 1918-22

    •  White armies attacked from east & west:

          ◦   (1918) took Caucasus, attacked Moscow (1919), stopped by Bolshevik-Makhno alliance, resigned (1920).

          ◦   (Siberia) declared 'Supreme Leader', advanced (1919) but halted at Urals, executed (1920).

          ◦   (Oct 1919) attacked Petrograd, failed to take railway → Bolsheviks reinforced, saved city.

          ◦   (Crimea) defeated (1920), fled to Serbia, set up White govt-in-exile.

    •  Tsar & family executed (July 1918).

    •  British, US, French left (1919), Japanese (1922).

    •  Civil War → famine, disease, millions died, atrocities.

    •  Bolsheviks invaded Poland (1921), defeated.

    •  USSR declared (1922).


Why The Bolsheviks Won The War

1. Whites' Disunity

    •  Whites were divided, geographically spread out, lacked coordination → Trotsky defeated them one by one.

2. Trotsky

    •  Brilliant strategist, ensured Red Army had effective tactics.

3. Belief

    •  Reds = and enthusiastic Communists fighting for a 'better world'.

    •  Anti-foreign intervention feeling → support for Bolsheviks.

4. War Communism

    •  ‘War Communism’ = nationalised factories, military discipline, banned strikes, rationed food, forced peasant grain requisition → supplied Red Army.

5. Terror

    •  Cheka executed 7k+ Whites.

    •  Red Army generals' families taken hostage → loyalty ensured.

6. Wherewithal

    •  Bolsheviks controlled Moscow/Petrograd (factories), railways (vital), had 300k troops, strict discipline, of communication → strategic advantage.