Britain and World War II |
KEY QUESTIONS:How did Britain resist and contribute to the defeat of Germany in the Second World War? How did the
war change life in Britain?
The 'Home Front'
Britain in World War II |
Links:Study the topic through films! These four classic films will give you a great insight:
Britain in World War II History Learning Site (excellent) A Chronology of the period with hyperlinks BBC site: excellent Maps of World War II campaigns (detailed) Battle of Britain site: excellent Hannah Hatfield's Spirit of Normandy prize-winning work on D-Day!
The 'Home Front' The Imperial War Museum site is good on Civilians and has a very simple site on the Home Front Essays on the Home Front by Joanne Oliver and Laura Cleland - must-read pieces! Civvy Street in WWII (Tom Fletcher's memories) - wonderful account!
Collected memories
a. The best way to understand the home front during World War Two is to watch Hope and Glory, John Boorman's autobiographical film of life during the war from through (his own) child's eyes.
b. Mrs Lindley - School Air-raids Barrage balloon Sheffield Blitz Land Girls c. Mrs Horton - War breaks out Preparing Air-raids War production Lodgers Rationing d. Mrs Topping - American soldiers Sweet rations Air-raids War work Children e. Marion Clare - Blackout Rationing Air-raids War work Love f. Joyce Hardaker - War work Rationing g. Brenda Wood - Gas Masks Blackout Rationing Air-raids Canadian hero VE Day h. Thelma Hall - My War Starts. School. Rationing. Gas Masks. Clothes. Air Raids and Shelters.
j. Blackpool memories - old people talking: fab!
A Socialist view of the war - argues that some sacrificed more than others to win the war |
In this module you will learn about: