• August: promised a Duma, but w/ limited electorate/powers → unrest reignited.
• Oct: strikes paralyzed transport; St Petersburg formally met.
3. October Manifesto
• Oct 30: Tsar promised:
◦ Duma w/ veto powers, universal suffrage.
◦ Personal freedoms (speech, assembly, union).
◦ End of redemption payments (fulfilled 1907).
1. Dumas
• Tsarist concessions divided the opposition:
◦ 'Constitutionalists' (Octobrists, Kadets) turned away from revolution.
• The Tsar overturned the constitutional changes:
◦ Feb 1906: gave his State Council the power of veto.
◦ 6 May 1906: Laws’ -- giving the Tsar: veto of decisions, could dissolve Duma & make laws, control of administration, foreign policy & army/ Duma was forbidden to discuss financial matters.
◦ A ‘Union of Russian People’ Party (URP) who wanted to return to autocracy;
◦ Liberals who accepted the October Manifesto (the ‘Octobrists’);
◦ A Constitutionalist Democratic Party (the ‘Kadets’);
◦ The Social Democrats refused to attend the 1st Duma, but the 'Mensheviks' participated in 3rd & 4th;
◦ The Social Revolutionaries (SRs) boycotted every Duma (except the 2nd).
2. The ministry of Stolypin (1906-11)
• Repression:
◦ Concessions FAILED to stop violence: Oct 1905-Oct 1906 → 3,611 govt officials killed (17k by 1916).
◦ Unrest suppressed piecemeal by severe repression.
◦ St Petersburg Soviet arrested. 1905 uprising of Moscow Soviets brutally crushed.
◦ Repression ↑ under PM Stolypin: 1,400 executed in 1906 → noose = 'Stolypin's .'
◦ By 1907, Poland, Finland & ⅔ of Russia under martial law.
• Agrarian Reforms:
◦ Communal land ownership abolished:
peasants allowed to consolidate holdings & leave mir → created wealthier
'' (middle-class farmers), weakened mir resistance to govt.
◦ Advice, grants & loans to move to Siberia.
◦ St Petersburg Soviet arrested. 1905 uprising of Moscow Soviets brutally crushed.
◦ Redemption payments abolished/
loans from Peasants .
• August: promised a Duma, but w/ limited electorate/powers → unrest reignited.
• Oct: strikes paralyzed transport; St Petersburg SOVIET formally met.
3. October Manifesto
• Oct 30: Tsar promised:
◦ Duma w/ veto powers, universal suffrage.
◦ Personal freedoms (speech, assembly, union).
◦ End of redemption payments (fulfilled 1907).
1. Dumas
• Tsarist concessions divided the opposition:
◦ 'Constitutionalists' (Octobrists, Kadets) turned away from revolution.
• The Tsar overturned the constitutional changes:
◦ Feb 1906: gave his State Council the power of veto.
◦ 6 May 1906: FUNDAMENTAL Laws’ -- giving the Tsar: veto of decisions, could dissolve Duma & make laws, control of administration, foreign policy & army/ Duma was forbidden to discuss financial matters.
◦ A ‘Union of Russian People’ Party (URP) who wanted to return to autocracy;
◦ Liberals who accepted the October Manifesto (the ‘Octobrists’);
◦ A Constitutionalist Democratic Party (the ‘Kadets’);
◦ The Social Democrats refused to attend the 1st Duma, but the 'Mensheviks' participated in 3rd & 4th;
◦ The Social Revolutionaries (SRs) boycotted every Duma (except the 2nd).
2. The ministry of Stolypin (1906-11)
• Repression:
◦ Concessions FAILED to stop violence: Oct 1905-Oct 1906 → 3,611 govt officials killed (17k by 1916).
◦ Unrest suppressed piecemeal by severe repression.
◦ St Petersburg Soviet arrested. 1905 uprising of Moscow Soviets brutally crushed.
◦ Repression ↑ under PM Stolypin: 1,400 executed in 1906 → noose = 'Stolypin's NECKTIE.'
◦ By 1907, Poland, Finland & ⅔ of Russia under martial law.
• Agrarian Reforms:
◦ Communal land ownership abolished:
peasants allowed to consolidate holdings & leave mir → created wealthier 'KULAKS' (middle-class farmers), weakened mir resistance to govt.
◦ Advice, grants & loans to move to Siberia.
◦ St Petersburg Soviet arrested. 1905 uprising of Moscow Soviets brutally crushed.
◦ Redemption payments abolished/ loans from Peasants LAND BANK.